Research Projects (last 5 years)
- European Space Agency, “Physical Layer Simulator For 5G New Radio and OTFS”, ongoing, Prime
- European Space Agency, “Multiple access sequences for satellite constellations without centralised management”, ongoing, Subcontractor (Prime = Thales Alenia Space Italia)
- Vyoma, “Analysis and preliminary ground-communications architecture definition study for a Space Situational Awareness mission”, 2023, Prime
- European Space Agency, “On the use of mega-constellations services in space”, 2023, Subcontractor (Prime = Vyoma)
- Regione Piemonte, “Analysis, simulation and optimization of encoding/decoding schemes for the development of a deep space radio (ERMES)”, 2023, Subcontractor (Prime = Argotec)
- European Space Agency, “Next Generation ESTRACK Uplink Services (NEXTRACK)”, 2020, Subcontractor (Prime = Deimos)